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As the most powerful oxidant that can be used in water treatment, ozone enables a broad spectrum of
possible applications:


Outstanding disinfection action against

  • Bacteria and viruses

  • Fungi and parasites

Oxidation of undesirable inorganic substances in the water

  • Iron and manganese

  • Arsenic

  • Nitrite and sulfide

Oxidation of undesirable organic substances in the water

  • Strong-smelling and strong-tasting compounds

  • Humic substances and other compounds which affect the colour of the water

  • Cyclic hydrocarbons

  • Trihalomethanes, chloramines and other chlorine compounds

Microflocculating action
After oxidation with ozone, substances and colloids dissolved in the water become insoluble and can be filtered.

Significantly less environmentally-harmful by-products occur in the production and use of ozone, than with other
comparable oxidants and disinfectants. As a highly reactive gas, ozone is produced on site, and introduced
to the water directly, without interim storage. Because of its high reactivity, ozone decomposes into oxygen again
in the water, with a half-life of several minutes. All components of an ozone handling system must be perfectly
matched with each other and with the planned application, to achieve an optimal relationship between ozone
production and effect. For every new project, our engineers can draw on the experience that we have
continually accumulated since 1971, in the following applications:

Drinking water supply

  • Oxidation of iron, manganese or arsenic

  • Improvement in appearance and taste

  • Disinfection

Food and beverage industry

  • Disinfection of mineral water

  • Disinfection at the rinser in the beverage industry

  • Disinfection of production water


  • Reduction of chloramines and trihalomethanes, so avoiding typical swimming pool smell

  • Crystal-clear water thanks to microflocculating action

  • Reliable microbiological barriers in therapy pools

  • Reduction of investment and operating costs through the possibility of reducing the circulating
    power and throttling the fresh water inlet


  • Cooling water treatment

  • Combating legionella in cooling water circuits

  • Disinfection of process water

  • Removal of odorous substances in air scrubbers

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