
ProMinent's range of equipment for the water and waste water industry is extensive and includes:
Chemical Metering Pumps
Instrumentation for monitoring or control of: ORP, pH, Chlorine, Chlorine Dioxide, Ozone, Peracetic Acid, Hydrogen Peroxide & Conductivity.
Generators for Ozone, Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Hypochlorite
Calcium Hypochlorite (granular) preparation and dosing packages
Swimming Pool Treatment Systems
Ultraviolet Disinfection Systems
Dry & Liquid Polymer preparation and Dosing Systems
Spectra Progressive Cavity Pumps
DULCOFLEX Hose/Tube Pumps
Hydro Gas Chlorinators
Dry Chemical Feeders & Systems for Lime, PAC, Fluoride, Alum, Soda Ash
Installation, Service & Commissioning
For gassing chemicals such as hypo we can offer inbuilt degassing liquid ends and with our Gamma X and Delta pumps we can set to give slow suction and discharge strokes. Inbuilt mA control is available with a large
turn-down for capacities up to 1000 l/h. We also have Piston Diaphragm pumps for metering dangerous chemicals with diaphragm failure protection.
We have been supplying and servicing Gas Chlorination packages for more than 40 years and have trained staff Australia-wide. We can supply chlorinators to 40 kg/hr, as remote vacuum or as partial vacuum with pressurised headers. We have flow and PID residual control, automatic changeover, leak detectors and ProGuard fail-safe bottle and drum auto-closing systems and scales.
For powder preparation and dosing for Fluoride, Poly, PAC, Lime, Soda Ash, etc we can offer complete packages using either single or multi (Tomal) screw dry chemical feeders. We have vacuum loaders, manual bag loaders and specially designed bulky bag loaders. We also supply packages installed in transportable buildings.
Our free and total Chlorine Residual Analysers are membrane type and require no buffers and can be optioned up to provide PID control with feed-forward.